BetaMax Remedies Pvt. Ltd.
BetaMax Remedies Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year Jan 1996 and managed by professional board of directors. Since then the company is into formulation. Previously running with only one unit at punchkulla, now in year 2008 established a G.M.P. unit at village Tahliwal.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Activities:
At the above address the company manufacturing Solid Oral Dosage form (Viz. Tablets and Hard Gelatine Capsules), Liquid oral dosage form and External applications (Viz. Liquids and Lotions).
Nature of Construction and Finishes:
Buildings are constructed with bricks and RCC structure with Kota stone floorings, jointing of flooring is done by epoxy, Inside walls are plastered to smoothness and painted with epoxy paint. Dead ends are taken care off by coving.
The ceilings in the manufacturing areas are ferroconcrete plaster to smoothness and appropriate (Calcium Silicate) false ceiling and painted with washable epoxy paint.
All lighting in the process areas is either recessed or enclosed.
Brief Description of Ventilation System:
There is schematic ventilation systems in the manufacturing areas. Air-conditioning is provided for all the processing area through air conditioners There are different Air Handling Units for manufacturing area and QC, which will maintain RH (Relative Humidity) and temperature There are fresh air units for bottle washing and changing rooms.
Manufacturing Areas:
Centralized air-conditioning is provided in this area. Air in this area is filtered through series of filters and finally through 0.3 µ filters provided at plenum. Dust extraction system has been provided in compression areas. Temperature is maintained at comfort condition.
Air conditioning system for production rooms, dispensing rooms sampling rooms, internal corridors, and air-locks are maintained at different pressure to avoid mixing or air from different rooms and sections, Maintenance of pressure is monitored by megnehelic gages. Actual weighing of active materials and excipients are carried out under reverse Laminar Air Flow Cabinets.
Brief Description of Water Systems:
Government supply water is first stored in 50,000 litters under ground R.C.C. Storage tank. Water is uplifted on top floor to another tanks and then processed through R.O. System. Purified water is stored in purified water storage tank ofS.S. 316 material and then circulated through Purified water loop system ofS.S. 316 material into production area. Purified water is maintained above 60°C.
There are designated sampling points and samples are taken at Pre – decided intervals.
Sanitation of the water system and loops is carried out according to standard operating procedures.
Manual Entry to Production Area:
After changing the personal shoes manual entry to primary changing room is through this corri-door as shown.
On right side of image there is primary changing room for all factory employees separately for ladies and gents, where personal dresses and corri-door slipers are changed and then allowed to enter in secondary changing room as shown on left side of image.
Showing entry of production area. On right side of image view there is secondary changing room for female staff and on left side male secondary changing room, where employees change primary changing room slipers and wear mask, gown and caps and entered into first air lock of main production room.
First air lock for main production Area under 0.3 µ filter area. Second air lock of internal corridoor as shown. Third airlock before which leads to enter to subsiquent production area. Every subsiquent entry is governed by megnahelic gages are provided at every entry to maintaiance presure difference.
Packing is done under Comfort air maintaining the temperature. Strip packing and Blister packing is done under separate AHUs maintaining RH and Temperature, Pressure in the rooms are maintained by megnehelic gages.